nasal polyp
- Overview
- Introduction
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Complications
- Homoeopathic Treatment
- Do's and Don'ts
- Diet and Nutrition
What is Nasal Polyps?
Nasal Polyps are a common affection of the upper respiratory tract.
They occur as a result of a long-standing chronic inflammation as a result of Asthma, repeated Respiratory infections, Allergies, Drug sensitivity or Immune disorders.
Nasal Polyps are most commonly seen in young and middle-aged adults.Click to read the Causes of Nasal Polyps
Nasal Polyps are felt and seen as sac-like, soft growths or fleshy swellings in the inner lining of the nose and sinuses. They may be single or may occur in bunches like grapes and are yellowish, grayish, brownish or pinkish in color. They are usually benign in nature.
What happens in Nasal Polyps?
- Runny, watering nose
- Stuffed or blocked feeling in the nose
- Mouth breathing
- Feeling of mucus running continuously down the back of throat.
- Partial or complete loss of smell.
- Facial pain and/or headache.
- Tendency to snore
Click to know more about Symptoms of Nasal Polyps
What can Nasal Polyps lead to?
If not treated, Nasal Polyps can complicate into:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea: It is a serious disorder and is characterized by frequent breaks in the regular breathing pattern during sleep, despite the effort of breathing.
- Asthma Attacks: Continuous inflammation of the nose and sinuses could trigger Asthma in some patients.
- Sinus Infections: Some patients may become prone to repeated or long term sinus infections.
- Eye Infection: Infection may spread to the eye leading to reduced vision.
- Epistaxis: Polyps can also instigate bleeding from the nose.
How well homeopathy works in Nasal Polyps?
- Homeopathy has much better success rate in the Treatment for Nasal Polyps than Conventional medicine.
- Homeopathic Treatment for Nasal Polyps offers a more holistic approach to the treatment of the disease by not only focusing on the existing polyps, but also by efficiently treating the underlying causes like Rhinitis, Asthma, Allergies, etc., so that the condition does not occur again.
- Homeopathy is the safest mode of treatment and can even help in avoiding surgery. It does not cause any unwanted side effects and works by boosting the immune system of the individual.
Few of our amazing remedies include:
Have a look at some of our amazing remedies:
- Allium Cepa: Effective remedy for nasal polyps in patients with allergic rhinitis. Continuous burning discharge from nose and watering from eyes along with dull headache.
- Calcarea Carbonica: Remedy for nasal polyps with swelling at the root of the nose. Patient is fair, fat, flabby and perspiring. Patient suffers from cold at every change of weather.
- Sanguinaria: Good for nasal polyps usually present in the right nostril. Thick, yellow, burning discharge from the nose.
A runny nose with stuffed up feeling inside.
Snoring like an engine in overdrive...
Do they sound like your symptoms? Does it seem like a Cold that just doesn't go away?
Well then, maybe that is because you may be suffering from something more than just a common cold. It could be Nasal Polyps.
Homeopathy can provide you with all the care and comfort that you seek for, and that too, without the need for Surgery! It has magnificent success in the treatment of Nasal Polyps.
Nasal Polyps are a commonly occurring disorder of the upper respiratory tract, seen mostly in young and middle-aged adults. They occur as a result of a long-standing chronic inflammation due to Asthma, repeated Respiratory infections, Allergies, Drug sensitivity or Immune disorders.
Nasal Polyps are sac-like, soft or fleshy swellings in the inner lining of the nose and sinuses. It may be single or may occur in bunches like grapes. They could be yellowish, grayish, brownish or pinkish in color. They are usually benign in nature.
- Running nose: Continuous watering from the nose with or without sneezing is one of the most common presenting symptoms of Nasal Polyps.
- Nasal Obstruction: One of the most troublesome symptoms of Nasal Polyps is the tendency to obstruct the nasal passage bringing on a 'stuffed-up' feeling.
- Mouth Breathing: The patient experiences difficulty in breathing through his nose, and unconsciously starts breathing through his mouth, especially at night. Mouth breathing leads to changes in the facial structure.
- Post-Nasal Drip: Nasal mucus tends to run continuously down the back of the throat.
- Loss of sense of smell: There is partial or complete loss of sense of smell with or without loss of taste.
- Facial pain and/or headache: This occurs due to the pressure of the swollen and irritated tissues on the nerves of the sinuses.
- Snoring: Polyps tend to restrict a person's breathing compelling them to snore at night.
- The exact cause of formation of Nasal Polyps is unknown.
- However, it is known to be related to a long-standing inflammation of the nose and sinuses due to Asthma, Allergies, repeated Respiratory illnesses, Drug sensitivity or Immune disorders.
- A clearer idea may be obtained by having a look at the risk factors involved.
Certain complicating ailments tend to be seen if adequate care is not taken.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: It is a serious disorder characterized by frequent breaks in regular breathing pattern during sleep, despite the effort of breathing. A person suffering from this may not be aware of his problem and is recognized by others around the person. It is accompanied by snoring.
- Asthma Attacks: Continuous inflammation of the nose and sinuses and repeated infections could trigger an Asthma attack in some patients.
- Sinus Infections: Some patients may become prone to repeated or long term sinus infections due to persistent nasal inflammation and infections.
- Eye Infection: When a nasal or sinus infection spreads to the eye, there can be swelling or bulging of the eye, which can cause inability to move the eye, reduced vision, or even blindness that may become permanent.
- Bleeding from the nose: It may not necessarily be a complication, but may be possible.
- Meningitis: In rare conditions, infection may spread to the brain and spinal cord.
- Homeopathy has much better success rate than conventional medicine in the treatment of Nasal Polyps.
- Homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps offers a more holistic approach to the treatment of the disease and treats by not just focusing on the polyps, but also by eliminating the causes that trigger recurrence.
- Homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps is the safest mode of management and can even help in avoiding a surgery.
- It does not cause any unwanted side effects. Homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps boosts the immune system and treats the individual as a whole in body, mind and spirit.
- Different manifestations of the disease are treated with different homeopathic medicines depending on which one matches the most. For e.g.
- Allium Cepa: Effective in homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps in patients with allergic rhinitis. There is continuous burning discharge from nose and watering from eyes along with dull headache.
- Calc. Carb: Swelling at the root of the nose. Patient is fair, fat, flabby and perspiring. Patient suffers from cold at every change of weather.
- Sanguinaria: Good remedy in homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps which is generally right-sided. There is thick, yellow, burning discharge from the nose.
The treatment given by our Experts is highly specific for the individual we treat and not limited to 2 or 3 drugs. Homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps offers a minimum of 50 remedies effective against this stubborn condition.
POLYPS, particularly nasal, of all kinds: 3Teucr
POLYPS, Post nasal: 2Teucr
POLYPS, NASAL: 1Agra, 2All-c, 1Alumn, 2Apis, 1Arg-m, 1Arist-cl, 1Arum-m, 1Aur, 1Aur-m, 1Bell, 1Cadm-s, 3Calc, 1Calc-i, 2Calc-p , 1Calc-sil, 2Carbn-s, 1Caust, 2Con, 1Form, 1Gaert, 2Graph, 1Hecla, 1Hep, 1Hip-ac, 1Hydr, 2Kali-bi, 1Kali-i, 2Kali-n, 2Kali-s, 2Lem-m, 1Lyc, 1Med, 1Merc, 1Merc-aur, 1Merc-c, 2Merc-i-r, 1Morg-g, 1Nit-ac, 2Phos, 2Psor, 1Puls, 1Reser, 1Rob, 3Sang, 2Sanguin-n, 2Sep, 2Sil, 1Staph, 1Sulo-ac, 2Sulph, 1Syc-co, 3Teucr, 2Thuj, 1Tub, 1Visc, 1Wye, 1Zinc-chr
- 4 marks- most effective,
- 3 marks- quite effective,
- 2 marks- less effective,
- 1 mark- least effective.
- Hygiene: Maintain good hygiene of the self as well as the environment so that infection can be minimized.
- Treatment of Existing Conditions: Take timely and appropriate medicines to treat Common Cold, Bronchitis, Asthma, or any other respiratory ailment you may be having.
- Restrict Allergen Exposure: Avoid exposure to allergens like pollen, perfumes, smoke, tobacco, dust, chemical fumes which cause inflammation and irritation of the nasal passage.
- Steam: Take steam inhalation if there is a persistent cold.
- Yoga: Deep breathing exercises like Pranayam help to ease breathing and prevent infections.
- Nasal bleed: Do not stuff cotton in the nose in case there is a nasal bleeding. Consult your doctor immediately.
- Include Flavonoids: They act as antioxidants to improve the immune system in general and also help to fight respiratory infections. Good flavinoid sources are onions, apples, broccoli, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, tea, red wine, and many berries, including raspberry and cranberry.
- Increase intake of Omega- 3 Fatty Acids: Increased consumption of flaxseeds, walnuts, soybeans, and cold water fish like salmon, cod can help with nasal polyps.
- Reduce consumption of Refined fats like refined oils, corn and safflower oils.
- Eliminate Food Allergens:
- Food allergens may be different for different individuals. However, some foods like soy, dairy, eggs, yeast, and gluten-containing products such as wheat, which may trigger an allergic reaction, should be avoided.
- Other common allergens include certain food additives and preservatives such as benzoates, tartrazine, monosodium glutamate, and sulfites. These chemicals are found in soft drinks, food colors, canned vegetables, confectionery, candy, soft drinks, chips, cereals, instant soups, sauces, some pastas, butter, cheeses and pickled products.
- Monosodium glutamate(ajinomoto) or MSG used in Chinese food and many processed foods.
- Stock up on foods high in Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene: They help protect the sinuses. They are found in yellow/orange and green vegetables and fruit such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, mango, melon and apricots.
- Have more of foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E:
- Foods rich in Vitamin C are citrus fruits, tomatoes, papaya, yellow and red bell peppers, green leafy vegetables, berries, guava, etc.
- Foods rich in Vitamin E are almonds, avocados, pumpkin, tofu, etc.
- Drink plenty of fluids, especially water: Water moistens the mucous membranes, which helps keep allergens out.